I ain't dead yet so roll the throttle
Huntsville, Texas | Жена тражим мушкарца
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Моје грађа
165 цм
Боја очију
Брачно стање
Имам децу
Желим децу
Моја најбоља карактеристика
Боја косе
Пас, Мачка
Спреман/Спремна за селидбу
Образовни ниво
Средња школа/гиманзија
Мој радни однос
Пуно радно време
Моја струка
Назив мог радног места
Nunya bitnes
Сам(а), Кућним љубимцем/љубимцима
Код куће
Понекад ми дођу пријатељи
Да - једну или две
У средњој школи био/била сам
У друштву сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Стално започињем свађу, Волим да флертујем, Отворен/отоврена
Моја интересовања и хобији
Читање, Музика, Глуварење по клубовима, Вечере, Путовања, Кување, Баштованство, Картање
Како замишљам провод
Дружење с пријатељима, Волим да испробавам нове ствари, Блеја, Клубови/барови, Облачење, Посета музеју
Мој савршен први састанак
Short ride to a local dive bar. Have a beer and see if we have anything in common, anything to talk about.
Одувек сам желео/желела да
Falconry. kickboxing, windsurfing.
Моји пријатељи кажу да сам
Дружељубив/дружељубива, Волим да изазивам невоље, Непримерен(а)
Погледи/Животни ставови
Идем у цркву
Мој животни циљ
Live every day to its fullest and to age gracefully.
Мој смисао за хумор
Сиров/саркастичан, Непримерен(а)
На ТВ-у увек гледам
Документарце, Не волим ТВ
У биоскопу увек гледам
Љубавне, Трилере
Увек слушам
Рок, Метал, Блуз
Увек читам
Фикције, Историјске, Мистерије
Како замишљам добру забаву
Riding w/ that 1000-lb vibrator between my legs in the American West. Hunting w/ my binoculars. Sitting on my deck in NM with friends watching the sun set, enjoying some great meal I've just prepared. Wrestling with my 90-lb Lab; he always wins ): Gardening. Mending my old house. Making mosiacs.
Шта Вас привлачи?
Интелигенција, Одважност, Моћ, Домишљатост
Шта тражите?
The man I'm looking for is an old 1%er and probably isn't computer literate but I'm going to try anyway...if he's your bro and you're not interested, then please help him contact me.
I want someone to ride with in every sense of the word. My old man, an old soldier and 1%er, went to hell in May 2010 and hasn't regrouped yet. I had my own bike (Heritage Softtail--had to have the front end lowered so I could ride the bitch) but sold her to a bro whose ridin her in his memory. A friend wants to build me one to fit, but I prefer to ride with you & the bros = protection. Old ties HA in CA but free almost 20 years and never owned. I don't care about money as long as you've got enough to keep 'er runnin and to ride. You gotta be able to laugh til your face hurts and to relax when I take the bar. Light s&m never hurts. I'm in need of some very old skool scooter trash chivalry from someone who has ridden nothing but Harleys for decades; okay, I'll make an exception for a turnip.
I want someone to ride with in every sense of the word. My old man, an old soldier and 1%er, went to hell in May 2010 and hasn't regrouped yet. I had my own bike (Heritage Softtail--had to have the front end lowered so I could ride the bitch) but sold her to a bro whose ridin her in his memory. A friend wants to build me one to fit, but I prefer to ride with you & the bros = protection. Old ties HA in CA but free almost 20 years and never owned. I don't care about money as long as you've got enough to keep 'er runnin and to ride. You gotta be able to laugh til your face hurts and to relax when I take the bar. Light s&m never hurts. I'm in need of some very old skool scooter trash chivalry from someone who has ridden nothing but Harleys for decades; okay, I'll make an exception for a turnip.
Какву везу тражите?
Пријатељ, Састанак, Интима, Посвећеност