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Rockford, Illinois | Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

Idegen nyelvek:
Been on my own for a little while now, ready to move on, forward, be spontaneous and just try something new and different. I am a father to two great kids, 18 and 20. Both still around the house, but not dependent on me. Couple of loving dogs (finding a dog lover is a must!!)
My faith and relationship with God are very important in my life and I desire the same in a partner.
My job and keeping up with the house and family keeps me busy during the week, meaning I love weekends to relax, get out, take care of the house, meet friends, etc.
I'm not a smoker or into any drugs. These are also on my check list of things I do not want in a relationship. I used to be into motorcycle riding but gave it up some years ago when kids were little and S.O. was not really into riding along. Now that they are older and S.O. left, I'm ready to get back into that. I always enjoyed riding on country and open roads and finding someone who also likes to go for rides and/or have one themselves would be great. Also, into classic muscle cars, working with them and going to car shows, swap meets and drive ins. If some of this is on your list, we could have an easy start at connecting to learn more about each other.
Life is short. I'd like to start meeting new people and hope to find a connection with someone to share what life has to offer.
Good luck in your searches.
What a good first date or meeting would be like?
Meeting for coffee or something at someplace quiet, just to see if
there is common ground that both of us are looking for.
Keep it simple, then go from there.
I'm not a smoker or into any drugs. These are also on my check list of things I do not want in a relationship. I used to be into motorcycle riding but gave it up some years ago when kids were little and S.O. was not really into riding along anyway. I'm looking to get back into that as I've always enjoyed riding on country and open roads and finding someone who also likes to go for rides and/or have one themselves would be great. Also, into classic muscle cars, working with them and going to car shows, swap meets and drive ins. Beyond these, I've learned to be a bit of a cook and enjoy it (who knew?), and would enjoy finding someone to cook with/for would be great. Quiet evenings in front of a fire (inside and out) or watching a movie on the couch is always enjoyed. A night out at a restaurant and a show or comedy event works too. If some of this is on your list, we could have an easy start at connecting to learn more about each other.

Megjelenés és helyzete

1.78 m
Családi állapotom
Vannak gyerekeim
Igen - Valamikor otthon
Szeretnék gyerekeket

How I Like To Ride

Tagja valamelyik motoros klubnak?
Még nem
A motorozás hobbi vagy életmód?
Hol szeret a legjobban motorozni?
Mely rendezvényeken szeret részt venni mint motorkerékpáros?
Might try Sturgis
Milyen motorkerépárral rendelkezik?
Harley Davidson


Némi főiskola
Teljes munkaidős
Maintenance Technician
Kedvelem az alkoholt


Vallás, spiritualitás, Család centrikus tartalom, Sportok, Zene, Filmek, Színház, Főzés, Kertészkedés, Gépkocsik, Halászat / Vadászat, Kártyázás, Volöntőrködés
Tökéletes szórakozás?
Barátkozás, Otthon tartózkodás, Új dolgok kipróbálása, Lazítás, Koncert


Vallási nézeteim:


Mit nézek a moziban?
Akció, Tudományos fantasztikum, Komédia, Dráma
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a
Ország, Rock, Metal


Mit tart vonzónak?
Flörtölős, Érzékenység, Empátia, Ügyesség, Humor, Jó kinézet, Komolyság, Tudás
Mi után kutat?
Barát, Dátum, Intim kapcsolat, Elkötelezettség