Real Woman Looking for Real Man

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Manchester, New Hampshire | Donna Cerca un/una Uomo

Informazioni di base

Mi descriverei come
I'm a young 48 yr old woman who loves her independence and somewhat of a free spirit. I own my own home and have my act together! Few words I'd use to describe myself...I'm a extrovert, open-minded, fun but serious when I have to be, adventurous, intelligent, sociable, energetic, sensual, affectionate, passionate and I love life. I'm truly a happy and positive person! I enjoy my time with friends and they are important to me. I love being outdoors so I'm active and on the go, but also enjoy relaxing at home with a movie and just hanging out. I absolutely love to intimate dinner for two or I can make it an event especially during football season :) I can fit in just about anywhere and have a good time. I love long distance riding and spend most summer weekends riding my Harley. I do ride year-round depending on the roads of course. I love to camp too. Music and going to concerts is something I do a lot of. This past summer I've seen Santana, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy (3 times), BB King, Bruce, George Thoroughgood, Lynard Skynard (twice), Kid Rock, Foo Fighters and many more. Went to the HD 105th Anniv in Milwaukee and that was a surreal experience. Been to Sturgis and going again in 2010, done Daytona and Laconia every year, too bad Myrtle Beach is probably going away. Laughlin River run is on my list soon. I have a good amount of vacation and a flexible work schedule so I do travel whenever I can whether it be for a spontaneous weekend or a well planned out extended vacation to somewhere in the world. I love winter vacations to warm destinations, I try to embrace winter months with skiing but prefer the warmth of the sun on my face and a hot leather seat. I am interested in a friendship first and getting to know someone and see where it leads. We can always remain friends no matter what happens...I like to take it as it comes. I also take care of myself physically & I care about my appearence. I have long blonde hair with a bit of'd have to see it to understand, blue eyes, bright smile with nice teeth, a few freckles and I’m a size 8. I'm very comfortable in my skin.
Segno zodiacale


La mia corporatura è
Nella media
La mia altezza è
5' 5 (1.65 m)
I miei occhi sono
La mia etnia è
Il mio stato civile è
Ho Figli
Voglio figli
Le mie caratteristiche migliori sono
Body Art
Piercing…ma solo all'orecchio, Tatuaggio piazzato strategicamente, Tatuaggio visibile
I Miei capelli sono
Ho una o più di queste
Volontà di trasferimento


Il mio livello di istruzione è
Un po' di scuole medie superiori
La mia situazione lavorativa è
Tempo Pieno
La mia specializzazione è
Computer/ Elettronica
Questo è quanto guadagno in un anno
da €100,000Euro a €150,000Euro
Da solo, Con animali domestici
A casa
Visite occasionali di amici
Sì - Sociale


Tornando alle Superiori, Ero
Il mio comportamento sociale è
Amichevole, Organizzatore di feste, da flirtare, Estroverso
I miei interessi e Hobby sono
Arti & Mestieri, Sport, Istruzione , Musica, Fim, Internet, Andare per locali, Ballo, Famiglia, Cene, Viaggi, Cucina, Giardinaggio, Auto, Campeggio, Gioco d'azzardo, Volontariato, Computer
Tempo speso bene secondo me:
Uscire con gli amici, Feste, Shopping, Stare a casa, Provare cose nuove, I Film, Relax, Andare per locali, Andare al Casinò, Travestirsi, Andare a un concerto, Andare a un museo
Un primo appuntamento ideale è
Meeting on a casual basis and just getting to know each other. Maybe a ride, but then we can't talk so we'd have to have a destination :)
Ho sempre voluto provare
Skydiving. Cross-country journey and take off for a few months on my bike!
I miei amici mi descrivono come
Amichevole, Figo, Un Flirt

Punti di Vista

La mia religione è
Partecipo alle Funzioni
I mie obiettivi nella vita sono
to be healthy and happy and to live it to fullest.
Il mio umorismo è di tipo
Saggio, Sarcastico, Amichevole, Oscuro


In televisione guardo sempre
Notizie, Documentari, Film drammatici, Situation Commedies, Istruttivi, Fim, Sport
Quando vado al cinema vado sempre a vedere
Commedie, Romantici, Drammatici, Documentari
Quando ascolto musica ascolto sempre
Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Soul, Reggae
Quando leggo, leggo sempre
Notizie, Auto biografie, Biografie, Business, Computer, Salute, Istruttivi, Musica, Tecnica
La mia idea di divertimento è
Rallies, Being with friends, Riding a nice road, A BBQ, a bonfire or campfire, planning and then going on a cross country bike trip.

In cerca di

Cosa trovi attraente?
Intelligenza, Bellezza, Umorismo, Abilità, Sensibilità, Audacia, Bizzarrie, Spontaneità, Potere, Civetteria, Acume, Profondità
Cosa cerchi?
What I'm looking for...someone with some confidence and knows who he is and isn't afraid to share his opinions on any subject. He should be mentally and financially stable. Someone I can trust & respect. He isn't afraid to show some passion if it feels right. Experienced in life but not finished learning how to live. Someone active and energetic with a positive outlook on life. He is intelligent, has a sense of humor, likes to laugh and enjoys playing around. A Kid at heart but with a certain level of maturity. He is interested in being with me, but still enjoys his own space and doesn't want to give up his own friends and hobbies. Physically, I like a man with meat on his bones much better to cuddle with:) Different things turn me on, I love a nicely trimmed goatee or it just might be the way you walk with such confidence. A man with an edge!! Chemistry is everything!
Che tipo di relazione stai cercando?
Amici , Incontri, Intimi, Impegnati