Tired of passive, weak men? Let's meet!

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Tulsa, Oklahoma | Mann Suche eine/n Frau

Basis Information

Ich kann sprechen
Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als
I am as nice of a guy as you'll ever meet, and I can carry on a good conversation with almost anyone, BUT...I'm not rich, I don't care for country music, I don't love your pets, and I have a beard. Those all seem to be dealbreakers here.....but maybe you're an exception.
I'm hard-working and trustworthy, reliable and honest, hard-headed, opinionated and confident, but not arrogant. I'm responsible and keep my word. I'm real, loyal, transparent, well-rounded, and love good 2-way conversation. My skin is thick and I'm comfortable in it, but I do have real feelings-they just don't control my life. I am very friendly, but don't try to fit in. I'm not a conformist, and not afraid of confrontation or speaking my mind when I need to. I never betray confidentiality. I'm a straight-shooter and brutally honest.
I try to treat others the way I want to be treated.I treat women like I want other men treating my daughters. If that's not good enough, then I don't know what is. I'm not interested in a one night stand. We need to just like each other first. How will you know unless you give me a chance?
I do not like arrogance, rudeness, gold diggers, or anyone who judges strictly by appearance. I am younger at 67 than a lot of men are at 57. I'm not perfect, but I don't suppose you are either. If you want to be liked for more than your looks, please do the same for me.
I'm not on here much due to a nearly total lack of response I get from G-rated questions and comments, by all the women who say they want a nice man, which is exactly what I am. If you have no interest in a 2-way conversation, don't reach out.
I'm looking for someone that I would really enjoy being with, and spend quality time with. There's a whole lot more to me than I can squeeze into a few more characters, and you won't offend me by asking anything.
I am not afraid to fall in love, but that is not my objective right now. Internet dating can be scary, especially for women, because there are so many predators and posers out there. I am not a player or a hustler. I am not interested in a one-night stand, but rather true friendship and companionship without pressure from either side. I like things simple and drama-free.
When it comes to girls, I'm old-fashioned. I will open the car door for you, and any other door if we are together. I will walk with you, not in front. I will hold your arm on stairs or a curb. I will walk you to your door and make sure you get home safely. I will be polite and respectful, and I will be nice. I will listen when you want to talk, and try to not talk over you. I will treat you like I want guys to treat my daughters. I also told my sons to treat girls like they would want other guys treating their sisters. When I am with a girl, I want her to feel safe with me. What I will NOT do is treat you like an object, and I won't tell you what you want to hear just to get a piece of you. ....BUT but please don't interpret me simply being nice and respectful to mean that I am falling for you. That takes time and a lot of talking.

Erscheinung & Situation

Mein Körpertyp ist
Meine Größe ist
5' 11 (1.8 m)
Meine Augen sind
Meine Herkunft ist
Mein Familienstand ist
Ich habe Kinder
Ja - nicht zuhause
Ich möchte Kinder
Meine beste Eigenschaft ist
Mein Haar ist
Ich habe ein oder mehrere folgende Haustiere
Keine Haustiere
Bereit umzuziehen

How I Like To Ride

Wonach suchst du auf dieser Seite?
Ein wenig Romantik
Bist du Mitglied in einem Biker-Club?
Ist Motorradfahren ein Hobby oder eine Lebenseinstellung?
Ist dein Motorrad dein hauptsächliches Transportmittel?
Trägst du beim Fahren lieber Leder oder normale Kleidung?
Normale Kleidung
Wo fährst du am liebsten?
Welches Bike-Event besuchst du am liebsten?
Welches Motorrad (Motorräder) besitzt du?
Harley Davidson V-Rod
Welche Bikes sind auf deiner Wunschliste?
more Harleys


Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist
Teilweise Hochschule
Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist
Meine Spezialität ist
Bau / Handwerker
Mein Job-Titel ist
auto body technician
Ich verdiene im Jahr so viel
$75,000USD bis $99,999USD
Ich lebe
Freunde kommen gelegentlich vorbei
Ich bin Raucher
Ich trinke


In der Hauptschule war ich
Mein soziales Verhalten ist
Freundlich, Offen
Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind
Musik, Autos
Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist
Mit Freunden ausgehen, Daheim bleiben, Entspannen, TV
Ein ideales erstes Date wäre
Anything we'd both be interested in, something informal where we could visit freely.
Ich wollte immer schon versuchen
I think I've tried most of what I wanted to do.
Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als


Meine Religion ist
Ich besuche Gottesdienste
Einmal pro Woche
Mein Ziel im Leben ist
....to be the kind of man God wants me to be, through my relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mein Art Humor ist
Clever, Trocken / Sarkastisch


Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an
Dokumentationen, Anleitungen
Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer
Ich mag keine Filme
Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer
Rock, Klassik
Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer
Anleitungen, Technisch
Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist
I am a homebody. I like to spend time with people I like, either at their place or mine, maybe doing something we all enjoy.

Suche nach

Was findest du attraktiv?
Esprit, Spontanität, Sensibilität, Humor, Gutes Aussehen, Nachdenklich, Intelligenz
Wonach suchst du?
The woman I'm looking for has a warm, friendly personality, Godly character traits, and conservative, traditional family values. She's motherly, and likes kids, even if she has none. She takes care of herself to look and feel her best, but isn't prissy, and she's not afraid to work hard or get dirty. She has emotions, but is in control of them, and she is stable and consistent. She doesn't get offended easily, and carries herself well. She is tough and not afraid to speak her mind.....or remain quiet. She's willing to talk about anything. She's a good listener, a good partner and a good friend. She's loyal, faithful, and trustworthy. She's someone who I'm always thinking of, and looking forward to being with.
Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du?
Freund, Andere