Okay let's do some riding!!
Austin, Texas | Férfi keres Hölgyet
Általános adatok
Idegen nyelvek:
Angol, Egyéb
This is it...I am the best you have to choose from. Pretty sad isn't it? now that I have move Back to Austin, TX It has come down to you and me. You're thinking, crap...how did this happen? This guy is ok looking, but just two months ago I could have gotten a date with Matthew McConaughey, now I am talking to this schmo. That is when I say...Yeaaa Pandemic and internet. Suddenly, I'm not THAT bad of a catch.
Well, since you are stuck with me, I guess I can tell you a little about myself. I grew up in New Port Beach CA and spent the last few years in Boston, but I became tired of the cold weather and snow, so I moved to this wonderful city.
Should I start like everybody else...I run Town Lake and I love being on the water. How about the ones that start out telling you how humble they are and then post pictures of themselves without a shirt and talk about how great they are. Why bore you with the same old profile you can read elsewhere.
Truth about me...I am awfully close with my family that is still alive. I have a great group of friends. I am a U.S Army veteran but have been out for many years. I now own a Construction Management firm. I have 2 dogs named Hanna, & Duke, who are not just dogs I leave outside all day and night or throw in the back of a pickup and drive down the highway. They are part of the family. So, like many of you who have children, they are part of the package. And probably the better-looking part to boot. They are sweet and love kids and other dogs. I do love to be active, but also enjoy sitting on the couch watching a movie with a glass of wine or a crown and coke. Live music and standup comedy are favorites of mine. I am not a gym rat and do not want to have lengthy discussions on what protein shake you had this morning. I do work out five times a week (P90X), so I am in good shape. But I do love pizza and steak, so when we go out to dinner, I will not bring my own health drink and order a Kale salad. P.S. my favorite is Sushi. It is ok if you do not eat it...you can get the Kale salad. :-) I love to build and Ride custom Harleys, and playing the piano relaxes me.
I guess I am on here like everyone else...looking for someone who I can spend time with and have fun. Hopefully, it will grow into something real. Ultimately, I want someone who can put up with my crap, and I theirs, and we still go to bed with a smile on our faces
Well, since you are stuck with me, I guess I can tell you a little about myself. I grew up in New Port Beach CA and spent the last few years in Boston, but I became tired of the cold weather and snow, so I moved to this wonderful city.
Should I start like everybody else...I run Town Lake and I love being on the water. How about the ones that start out telling you how humble they are and then post pictures of themselves without a shirt and talk about how great they are. Why bore you with the same old profile you can read elsewhere.
Truth about me...I am awfully close with my family that is still alive. I have a great group of friends. I am a U.S Army veteran but have been out for many years. I now own a Construction Management firm. I have 2 dogs named Hanna, & Duke, who are not just dogs I leave outside all day and night or throw in the back of a pickup and drive down the highway. They are part of the family. So, like many of you who have children, they are part of the package. And probably the better-looking part to boot. They are sweet and love kids and other dogs. I do love to be active, but also enjoy sitting on the couch watching a movie with a glass of wine or a crown and coke. Live music and standup comedy are favorites of mine. I am not a gym rat and do not want to have lengthy discussions on what protein shake you had this morning. I do work out five times a week (P90X), so I am in good shape. But I do love pizza and steak, so when we go out to dinner, I will not bring my own health drink and order a Kale salad. P.S. my favorite is Sushi. It is ok if you do not eat it...you can get the Kale salad. :-) I love to build and Ride custom Harleys, and playing the piano relaxes me.
I guess I am on here like everyone else...looking for someone who I can spend time with and have fun. Hopefully, it will grow into something real. Ultimately, I want someone who can put up with my crap, and I theirs, and we still go to bed with a smile on our faces
Megjelenés és helyzete
1.78 m
Családi állapotom
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Az amire büszke vagyok:
Látható tetoválás
Hajam színe:
How I Like To Ride
Mit keres oldalunkon?
Lovagló partner
Tagja valamelyik motoros klubnak?
A motorozás hobbi vagy életmód?
Sűrűn közlekedik motorkerékpárral?
Miben szeret motrozni? Bőr ruciban vagy egyszerű ruhában?
Hol szeret a legjobban motorozni?
All over to see new places and meet new people
Mely rendezvényeken szeret részt venni mint motorkerékpáros?
Laconia Bike week in Laconia, NH
Milyen motorkerépárral rendelkezik?
Lots of Harley's as I build them
Milyen motorkerékpárok vannak a bakancslistáján?
I want to build a dirty Tail next
Egyetemi végzettség
Önálló vállalkozó
Építés / Iparos
Egyedül, A háziállataimmal
Alkalmanként átjönnek a barátaim
Kedvelem az alkoholt
Igen - társaságban
A középiskolában
Szociális magatartásom:
Szégyenlős, Figyelmes, Barátságos, Komikus, Társaságkedvelő
Család centrikus tartalom, Vacsorák, Sportok, Zene, Televizió, Filmek, Tánc, Utazás, Főzés, Gépkocsik, Kempingezés
Tökéletes szórakozás?
Barátkozás, Bevásárlás, Új dolgok kipróbálása, Filmezés, Koncert, Múzeum
Így látnak barátaim:
Barátságos, Ostobának
Vallási nézeteim:
Nem vagyok vallásos
Okos, Szarkasztikus, Barátságos, Ostobának, Burleszk
Mit nézek?
Dokumentumfilm, Dráma, Komédia, Filmek, Sportok, Valóság show-k, Ismétlések
Mit nézek a moziban?
Akció, Komédia, Romantikus filmek, Dráma, Dokumentum film, Család centrikus tartalom, Krimi
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a
Ország, Rap, Rock, Metal, Elektronikus, Pop, Klasszikus, Blues, Jazz, Industrial, Latino, Új Kor, Hangulat zene, Dance, Soul, Reggae
Mit olvasok?
Hírek, Biográfia, Biográfia, Üzleti, Egészségügy, Történelem, Humor, Oktató műsorok, Zene, Filozófia irodalom, Politikai, Referenciák, Sportok, Technnikai irodalom, Romantikus filmek, Erotikus irodalom
Mit tart vonzónak?
Szellemesség, Flörtölős, Hatalom, Pénz, Spontaneitás, Különlegességek, Merészség, Érzékenység, Empátia, Ügyesség, Humor, Jó kinézet, Komolyság, Tudás
Mi után kutat?
Barát, Dátum, Intim kapcsolat, Elkötelezettség, Egyéb, Házasság, Nem fontos