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West Frankfort, Illinois | Hölgy keres Férfit

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Idegen nyelvek:
I don't have a membership. But the most common place to find me is obvious. Just like Arrowsmith, and Neal diamond, sweet Carol(yn)ine
and dream Weaver if I caught your eye or interest. You'll get it, the man. in my picture is my second oldest son. he died may 2021, in zinc mines in tennessee i miss him. ill never not mourn him( talk of him) he was my special bond, i have 3 other kids. but he was the life of our family. ill never get his death out of my head. if you can hamdle my pain. i would be a good gain. im open about everyrhing. most dont have the energy or understanding to be in my life. i would love , REALLY LOVE TO HAVE A FOREVER , but friendship is a good thing too. ~** WARNING**~ I' M NOT A FWB type or one nighter. FIEST DATE ENDS WITH A HUG OR CHEEKY KISS.....IM NOT A PRUDE JuST IS WHAT IT IS, ALRIGHT??? IM spontanenous, lively also love to stay home. Love cooking. freedom of life , living life. love the outdoors. art drawing and painting and crafting wood. Listen. i hate phone keyboards. i can spell and punctuacte. i am guessing half of my thing isnt read anyway. and another. Loving to ride and freedom of riding. is way different ti me. than being a perv, too flirtatious with others. and womanizing etc etc. need i go on? having fun is just that. most of wjat life has to offer i like. THE LIST OF NOT LIKES is short. i dont want to sound to good ro be true. because none of us are. but my perfection is out here somewhere. listen, MY BIKE IS GONE. need to. well want to buy another soon. life sucks since my boy died. im 53 and feel like i just started life again. i have nothing. i work partnered with an old boss i worked for yrs ago. in tree service.

Megjelenés és helyzete

1.6 m
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Mit tart vonzónak?
Komolyság, Érzékenység, Spontaneitás, Passzivitás, Humor, Empátia, Ügyesség, Szellemesség
Mi az ami után kutat?
someone who can go with the flow. nothing that bothers them to much. but has the ability to compliment or say nice things. notices when you do your best. without negative judgment. with out trust issues. or make themselves an object of not able to be trusted seemingly
Mi után kutat?
Barát, Dátum, Elkötelezettség