I'll follow the sun....
Fort Myers, Florida | Mies Hae A Naista
Perus Informaatio
Osaan puhua
Kuvailisin itseäni
Live, work, and play on the water. Former Model, actor, stunt man, and hero! (although, that might have been a dream) Stiff competition on here! And if you say "NO WINKS" ...I promise I will..lol. (Last time I checked, that was a compliment.) Yes...I make my bed everyday!!! No anger...just sympathyand empathy for those who do. No drama...never!~ Old fashioned moral and family values! I am conservative politically...(I call that educated and sane) Less government more sense! Hard working (sometimes) Love to work with my hands...(get your mind out of the gutter!) Financially secure (could use more) Good looking(Not conceited...Did I mention good looking???C'mon, work with me!) Athletic (try to keep up with me) Like all sports; boating, snow skiing, travel, tennis, Harleys, mountain hiking, good food, working out daily(have to keep this twenty nine year old body in shape!) I love to stimulate my brain...crosswords, books, and good conversation.(let me wake up first!) No drugs...no meds...no strange diseases...100% pure All-American boy! w/Norwegian heritage. Not into partying or the bar scene...I would rather make my own fun at home or with friends(any ideas?) Don't worry about the Harley....just one of many hobbies! Very handy...can fix and repair anything(maybe your broken heart or toilet...hopefully your heart's not in the toilet :o) I enjoy cultural events(Wal-Mart???), but No, I don't like operas....rather paint your house!!! I raised two great kids ..they mean the world to me! Have been in the area since dirt(lots of friends and family). I Take my relationships very seriously (married twenty years, always faithful). One marriage....never re-married. The next will be the last! I'm not here for a long time, but I'm here for a good time! (You only go around this ball of dirt once!) I am a realist... not looking for a young playtoy, but I am particular and won't settle for less than my expectations. And No, I didn't just bungee jump the Grand Canyon, jump out of a perfectly good airplane, or swim with a shark in Pago Pago! But I did save on my insurance!!! I am passionate about succeeding and doing the right thing. Always a gentleman...no exceptions! I like input...but I know how to "getrdun" ...and by the way....Yes I checked Erotica as "likes" on here, sounds good to me:o)~ Looking for a Pretty (yes,chemistry matters!), fun loving, intelligent woman to share my time and energy with. Really like the "girl next door" type. Must be physically fit and respect her body(I'd like to feel your chest before your stomach! curvy means just that), energetic, healthy, (Did I mention Pretty?) and not tied down (You know what I mean). No couch potatoes(well...every now and then!). Family values a must. Oh yah, normal(whatever that is?) would be nice too! A good gym and tennis (and bed)partner would be a plus. No games...just put on the jeans, and let your hair down. I prefer long hair....but who am I to be picky about hair:o( We all look good in a suit....but please spare me...what and who is the real you? No picture-no reply. Geez...and leave the Glamour Shots in your shoe box! I will love your wrinkles! If you don't show your body in your pictures, I will assume you don't have one! Oh yeah...your real age would be nice, too! Sense of humor imperative. And if I wanted to see a sunset picture, your cat, or the mountains....I would tune in to the Discovery channel. If you think you can keep up.... let's go!(if not, I'll just have to drag you!) I would love to meet someone who still has fire in her soul. Please spare me with the "Walks on the Beach"...C'mon you can be more creative than that! No...I don't like golf...I'll just watch the paint dry! And...no little fluffy neurotic schizoid dogs. By the way...what is it with girls and horses? And to summarize...as Bill O'reilly says,"the spin stops here"
Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne
Vartalonmallini on
Pituuteni on
6' 0 (1.83 m)
Silmienvärini on
Etninen taustani on
Aviosäätyni on
Minulla on lapsia
Kyllä - Ei kotona
Haluan lapsia
Paras puoleni on
Hiukseni ovat
Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista
Ei lemmikeitä
Olen valmis muuttamaan
Koulutukseni taso on
Työllisyys tilanteeni on
Myynti / Markkinointi
Työ tittelini on
Owner, Manager
Tuloni per vuosi
Enemmän kuin $150,000USD
Ystävät vierailevat satunnaisesti
Kyllä - Seurassa
Yläasteella olin
Matti Meikäläinen
Sosiaalinen käyttäytymiseni
Ystävällinen, Aina menossa
Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat
Autot, Tietokoneet, Kuntoilu, Perhe, Kalastaminen / Metsästys, Internetti, Puutarhanhoito, Oppiminen, Elokuvat, Lukeminen, Urheilu, Matkustaminen
Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on
Extreme Urheilulajit, Kavereiden kanssa hengailu, Shoppailu, Museossa käyminen, Kirjan Lukeminen, Kotona oleskelu, Elokuvat, Uusien asioiden kokeilu, Tv
Unelma treffini olisivat
...A keeper!
Olen aina halunnut kokeilla
I have tried everything I have wanted to
Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan
Uskontoni on
Käyn säännöllisesti
Kerran kuukaudessa
Tavoitteeni elämässäni on
Get through it in one piece
Minun tapainen huumori on
Älykäs, Kuiva / Sarkastinen, Hassu, Kermakakkukomedia
Televisiosta katson
Uutiset, Dokumentit, Urheilu
Kun menen elokuviin, lähden katsomaan
Toiminta, Scifi, Komedia, Romanssi, Draama, Trilleri
Kun kuuntelen musiikkia, kuuntelen aina
Country musiikki, Pop musiikki, Rock musiikki
Kun luen, luen aina
Käsitykseni hauskanpidosta on
Boats, Bikes and the Gym!
Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?
Empatia, Hyvä ulkonäkö, Huumori, Viisaus, Herkkyys, Spontaanisuus, Ajattelevaisuus, Nokkela
Mitä etsit?
Someone who cares about their own body and health
Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?
Kaveri, Päivämäärä, Sitoutunut, Ei väliä